Social Survival What keeps people living a long life? A system of living that gives the body the right information at the right times to properly regenerate itself. We know what many parts of that system are. Food is one. Nutritional variety – whether the fruits, vegetables, and olive oil based diet of Mediterranean countries, […]
Aspirin and cancer (3/28/12)
Does Aspirin Prevent Tumors? Should you take aspirin to prevent cancer? The Lancet, one of the world’s most prestigious medical publications, has just published a series of articles on aspirin and the prevention of cancer. The one getting the most international attention is a “meta-analysis” by Professor Martin Rothwell of Oxford and his team, looking […]
Surviving with nothing – lessons from bears and men (3/26/12)
Recycling and Hibernating How important is recycling to regenerating your body? Critical. We use up a lot of “stuff” getting through the day – proteins, sugars, fats, DNA – and much else. Fortunately we get to remake it constantly – and remake ourselves continually as we go. And some animals – like bears – can […]
Your pilot is falling asleep on the plane. Should you be worried? (3/21/12)
Sleepy, Sleep Pilots A recent Sleep In America poll found that a quarter of pilots feel sleepy on the job. Another 60% nap on the job, and 20% feel they have made serious errors as a result of sleepiness. Why Is This Happening? Shift work. Similar problems occur with train drivers. Only about half of […]
A little knowledge can go a long way (the story of John Snow – 3/19/12)
Getting Healthy – Simply Europe’s medieval cathedrals were built without the benefit of Newton’s “modern” physics. Masons constructed holy edifices of stone without truly understanding what kept them aloft. They still stand. They still provoke amazement. And people can restore their health and regenerate their bodies without complete knowledge of how the process works. Like […]