When Good Things Are Bad For You Vitamin – the word itself conjures up healthiness, something vital for life. Without them we can’t live. But can we have too much of them? Yes. Just like we can have too much food. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K – all have associated hypervitaminosis […]
When science fiction wins the Nobel Prize – your life and the speed of light (10/12/11)
Life is Fast Science fiction just won the Nobel Prize. Drs. Perlmutter, Riess, and Schmidt proved that the universe you live in is exploding – endlessly. Supernovae are moving away from each other very quickly – and promise to move faster. The main present proffered explanation of why the universe is blowing up is that […]
Should I eat fish or fish oil? (10/10/11)
A Fish Story Is eating fish the same as eating fish oil? If you believe advertising and the drumbeat of omega 3 supplement makers, you might think so. The facts are different. Why is Fish Different From Fish Oil? Fish contain thousands of different substances. They include many different proteins, vitamins, oils, carbohydrates – quite […]
Can marriage make you fat? (9/21/11)
A Risk of Commitment? So is marriage another risk factor for making you fat? The data from this year’s American Sociological Association Meeting are troubling, though not surprising. Studying over 10,000 men and women as part of National Longitudinal Survey of Youth ’79, weight gain was common among both men and women in the 2 […]
What your gut tells your brain (9/20/11)
Is It Romance, Or Do the Right Bacteria Make the Mood? Brain, your gut is calling. It’s got a lot to say – about, stress, anxiety, and your mood. That’s the potential upshot of a recent study published in PNAS (http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2011/08/26/1102999108.abstract?sid=1091d71a-9201-45df-90ec-6134dfd8231d) by Javier Bravo and company from the University College, Cork, and nicely described in […]