Does Watching TV Shorten Your Life? Twenty one point eight minutes of lost life for every hour watched. That’s the precise measurement coming from a widely reported Australian study of watching TV. Based on 11,000 adults, they estimate that Australian males, averaging 2 hours of TV a day, will see their lifespan decrease by 1.8 […]
How to sleep in the heat (8/15/11)
It’s Hot Out There There are riots, financial meltdowns, fiscal crises. It’s hot out there. Global climate change may be a myth to some non-scientists, but most models of global weather predict greater volatility – more extreme hot weather and cold, more floods and hurricanes – for a long time to come. And then there’s […]
Why we don’t “get” rest (8/12/11)
Rest – Required for Life Why rest? One reason – to survive. Rest takes up more of your life than food, and is every much as necessary. You need rest to grow and regenerate, to learn and experience the fullest passion. In other words, to live. But people don’t “get” rest. They don’t get it […]
Twilight consciousness – can you text while asleep (and what does that say about you?) (8/10/11)
Burning to Communicate Can you text while asleep? Many claim to do just that. They wake up in the morning and find they’ve sent a text to someone and have no recollection they did it ( Sometimes the text is nonsense, sometimes its message is rational but banal. What’s Going On? People are now […]
What to do when medical care goes away (8/8/11)
The Real Deficit Feeling a bit blue? Less than excited by a Federal budget “deal” that postpones real negotiations for the mere $14 trillion dollar deficit while markets tumble? Sorry, but that’s not the real problem. The debt hole is much bigger. You get different answers from different places, but the statistics should boggle […]