Drinking and Living Can alcohol be good for you? Much evidence would argue yes. Compare “moderate” drinkers who have perhaps one glass of wine a day versus those who never drink. Who lives longer? Those who drink small amounts regularly. Yet alcohol causes lung cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, brain cancer, oral cancer. It’s a […]
Hear Me Now – It’s Time to Protect Your Ears (7/23/12)
Noise and the Brain The Problem – Noise pollution is increasing. It can cause deafness, noise induced tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hyperacuisis (overreaction to noise) – Further results include irritability, depression, and losing much of the flavor of life. Why Is It Happening? Louder environments accompanied by little negative public reaction. The NY […]
Fit the Person to the Body – Personal Health (7/17/12)
Part I – Personal Health You don’t use a sports car to trailer a cigarette boat. It might do the task – for a while. Before the chassis screams and the engine breaks. The same is true of human beings. Our hunter gatherer bodies are not fit for the Internet Age. Not at all. Many […]
Weight – Why Simple Answers Can’t Work (and what might) (7/12/12)
Simple – Or Useless? Everything is connected. Change one thing and you end up changing all. Highly complex it may be, but give the human body the right information, and it remakes itself right. However, you have to face the preference – especially in the media – for simple “clear” answers to complex issues. Simple, […]
Watch Out – the Net is Changing Your Body (7/5/12)
Using A Technology that Changes You The universe is a sea of information. Your body is an information processing unit. The Internet and how you use it is changing your body – right now. Though some changes are conscious, most do not reach conscious awareness. But change is happening fast. If you want to control […]