Unpopular Health Imagine a magic elixir that’s free and grants much longer life (12 years for men, 14 years for women.) Despite benefits radically dwarfing the advantages of all health care, the elixir is almost universally spurned. For to receive this magic elixir individuals must put up with what are commonly regarded as unacceptable intrusions: they must […]
Time to Think Before You Drink
Lots of people drink. Most think they “don’t drink too much.” They “only drink socially.” Or “just a couple of drinks a few nights of the week.” But when it comes to health, how much is enough? A new study looking a national guidelines has come up with surprising results. The short answer is “less is […]
Depression: Time for a Rethink (9/8/14)
New Ways to Treat Depression National treatment of depression is distressingly poor. It is time to rethink how we do it. Even the public agrees. Is that true because ten percent of Americans are depressed this very moment? That depression is ranked one or two worldwide for destroying work effectiveness and economic productivity? Is it […]
Drug of Choice (8/13/14)
An Old Miracle? Simple stuff does work. One of the cheapest drugs in the world is perhaps the most single effective agent in helping populations stay alive. The way it works this magic is now recognized as completely different from past theories. The drug is aspirin. Cardiovascular Risk For decades people throughout the world […]
Preferring Electric Shocks to Solitude (7/14/14)
Shocking Thoughts Is it uncomfortable to spend time alone with your thoughts? Is thoughtful solitude painful? For a lot of people, it is. A recent study run by University of Virginia Timothy Wilson had people spending time entirely with themselves. Alone. Many short experiments were tried. Each lasted only six to 15 minutes. Since […]