Alcohol and Pills for Sleep “Beer and valium, that’s how I sleep. Works every time, a perfect night’s sleep.” So said an actor friend of mine, who often had trouble “coming down” after a play and used this cocktail three or four times a week. Yet often alcohol plus sleeping pills do not “work.” Thirty […]
Your cell phone is a biological part of you (11/11/11)
Your Hand, Your Cellphone You’re an ecosystem – a complicated one. Your cell phone is just one component of it – and an inescapable part of your biology. Fortunately, it’s one you can control. A recent UK survey from 12 separate districts found bacteria on 92% of cell phones – and only 82% of human […]
Three questions about sleep and sex (10/19/11)
Coping in Tough Times Times are tough. People are out of work and can’t find any, 15% of the country often goes to bed hungry, and the euro may crash and upend the world economy. Folks need a break. In the old days, sex and sleep could help revive spirits and help regenerate body and […]
If you’ve died from this drug, call this number (8/24/11)
Death Is Not The End Have you heard this TV ad? Considering a malpractice suit beyond the grave? It’s a contrast with the drug advertisments whose promises of vanquished suffering end with fast talking announcers spitting potential “side effects” including death and dishevelment, followed by the ever present legal catch – “ask your doctor.” Yes, […]
Safe to drink? With the FDA moving on Lazy Cakes, what’s up with relaxation drinks? (8/3/11)
Generally Recognized as Safe When drugs as marketed to foods, people get hurt. That’s what the FDA concluded about Lazy Cakes, a melatonin laced brownie sold as “adults only” but marketed to kids and teens. Michael Roosevelt of the FDA send a warning letter last week to HBB, maker of Lazy Cakes, declaring the “relaxation […]