The Challenge Recently I was asked to write a guest post on “15 Rules For A Stress Free Life.” My first question was – what is stress? Here’s one definition – stress is how your body reacts to challenge. From that definition follow a few potential “rules”: 1. There is no such entity as a […]
Amazing Ambien (3/19/12)
The Rock Star Drug Steve Tyler of Aeorosmith took it to sooth an aching foot. He fell off the stage. One Calgary man claimed it made him take a bottle of vodka out of the fridge, down it and drive directly into other cars – all while he was asleep! My patients have woken with […]
Time Rules Weight (2/11/13)
The Weight on America Americans are obsessed with weight. We read about it, think about it, twitter about it. We even pay billions to lose it. As I’ve argued before, weight is not the enemy. An impoverished, narrow view of health is the real culprit. Medicine looks to “fix” the “homeostatic” human machine rather than […]
Crazy About Drugs (2/4/13)
A Problem of Law Item: An Egyptian rights lawyer is sentenced to 5 years in jail and 300 lashes of the whip for bringing anti-anxiety drugs (xanax – alprazolam) into Saudi Arabia. The judge notes the perpetrator’s “good morals” in explaining his “lenient” verdict (anti-anxiety drugs are banned in Saudi Arabia.) Item: Florida regulators led […]
Driving While Asleep
Safe Driving? Recently Toyota unveiled a new self-driving Lexus – joining a very long list of manufacturers working on self-directed transport. We may need self driving cars soon. People are falling asleep at the wheel – all the time. The CDC and You Recently the Centers for Disease Control conducted a large telephone survey. Nearly […]