The American Sleep Disorders Association recommends American adults get seven or more hours of sleep each night. Many don’t. Between work, children, cellphones, aging parents, more work, illness and overall stress, lots of folks get a whole lot less sleep than they want. They need sleep recovery. So they sleep in over the weekends, or […]
It’s About Time
Timed Lives Time rules life, and body clocks direct and define much of yours. Twenty-four hour (circadian) clocks continue to be implicated in most aspects of human health, joy, and performance. A recent British study out of the UK Biobank of 91000 people recently refocused attention on how disruptions in body clocks play out in depression and […]
You Want to Live Long?
Unpopular Health Imagine a magic elixir that’s free and grants much longer life (12 years for men, 14 years for women.) Despite benefits radically dwarfing the advantages of all health care, the elixir is almost universally spurned. For to receive this magic elixir individuals must put up with what are commonly regarded as unacceptable intrusions: they must […]
How Exercise Works
Teaching Your Body Feel exhorted, cajoled, pushed and nagged into “exercise?” Most folks know it’s good for you, but so are vegetables (though not recent Romaine from Yuma.) They just don’t really know how exercise works. Witness a recent study in Circulation, demonstrating that in people at high and low genetic risk of heart disease, relatively moderate […]
Time to Think Before You Drink
Lots of people drink. Most think they “don’t drink too much.” They “only drink socially.” Or “just a couple of drinks a few nights of the week.” But when it comes to health, how much is enough? A new study looking a national guidelines has come up with surprising results. The short answer is “less is […]