Sleep’s Memory How do we remember? What do we try to forget? What do we forget without trying? As in many areas of consciousness, sleep is a key. Vladimir Nabokov was a formidable novelist, essayist and lepidopterist. He recognized evolutionary changes in butterflies decades before his colleagues. Yet he is better known as the author […]
Why We Need New Definitions of Health (2/13/13)
Money and Health Money will buy you health care. It won’t buy you health. The media equation of health with health care is a sad and tragic misperception. It makes people think that if they have enough money and “great” health insurance, that even if they get sick everything will be fine. That might prove […]
Time Rules Weight (2/11/13)
The Weight on America Americans are obsessed with weight. We read about it, think about it, twitter about it. We even pay billions to lose it. As I’ve argued before, weight is not the enemy. An impoverished, narrow view of health is the real culprit. Medicine looks to “fix” the “homeostatic” human machine rather than […]
Why Weight Is Not Public Health Enemy #1 (1/28/13)
So Big America is obese. So we hear each day. Our kids are obese. Weight is leading to early death, destroying the future of adolescents and young adults. The epidemic of diabesity will destroy American competitiveness – 30 year olds with diabetes don’t work so well – and bankrupt the Treasury through higher Medicare costs. […]
Driving While Asleep
Safe Driving? Recently Toyota unveiled a new self-driving Lexus – joining a very long list of manufacturers working on self-directed transport. We may need self driving cars soon. People are falling asleep at the wheel – all the time. The CDC and You Recently the Centers for Disease Control conducted a large telephone survey. Nearly […]