What’s Happening to Energy Drinks? They’ve increased to become a larger part of American beverage business – presently $8.9 billion worth per year. Their corporate parents have also been subpoenaed by the New York Attorney General for not fully disclosing their ingredients or their health effects. What’s Prompted the Investigation? Deaths, widely reported in the […]
Gimme the Pill! Seductions of Supplements (8/22/12)
Every Work Day Just about every day I’m in the office patients come to me clutching a new pill bottle. Inside will be tablets or capsules purportedly containing anywhere from one to 50 or more ingredients. What Do People Want To Know? Will these pills work to cure their sleep problems/Crohn’s disease/heart disease/cancer/irritable bowel syndrome/memory […]
Regeneration Medicine – Preventing Colds (7/31/12)
Informing Immunity See the body as machine and you miss a lot. Most of your body is new in three to four weeks. The body continuously processes information, providing input for the regenerative process we use to survive. This is almost opposite to the mechanical degeneration of cars or computers. Life is renewal, and life […]
Better Living With Booze? (7/27/12)
Drinking and Living Can alcohol be good for you? Much evidence would argue yes. Compare “moderate” drinkers who have perhaps one glass of wine a day versus those who never drink. Who lives longer? Those who drink small amounts regularly. Yet alcohol causes lung cancer, stomach cancer, kidney cancer, brain cancer, oral cancer. It’s a […]
Hear Me Now – It’s Time to Protect Your Ears (7/23/12)
Noise and the Brain The Problem – Noise pollution is increasing. It can cause deafness, noise induced tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and hyperacuisis (overreaction to noise) – Further results include irritability, depression, and losing much of the flavor of life. Why Is It Happening? Louder environments accompanied by little negative public reaction. The NY […]