La Vida Es Sueno Is life a dream? Or do realities begin in dreams? “Awake,” NBC’s new drama, premiered on March 1st, 2012. One night police detective Michael Britten, played by Jason Isaacs, survives a horrific car wreck—but not his family. He becomes conscious and finds he’s living two distinct realities. In one his son […]
Is this really “The End of Illness”? (2/29/12)
We Need a New Health Paradigm Sorry. We’re not about to see “The End of Illness,” the title of the popular new health book written by oncologist/entrepreneur Dr. David Agus. Agus promises a lot. You will be able to “live robustly to a ripe old age of one hundred or more.” Then you will die, […]
Time rules life (2/27/12)
Time Rules Life The Romans knew it two thousand years ago – everything in life is timed. Your body is a hive of interlinked clocks. Some operate over less than a second, others work over seasons or years. Yet the most studied internal clocks are those that control our 24 hour day. Called circadian – […]
Recycling your own energy (2/22/12)
Using Life’s Speed Life is fast. We use up our internal “stuff” very quickly. What “stuff”? Anything involving energy, materials, and all that passes information. And what happens to it? It gets recycled. Without recycling, we don’t live. Not so surprisingly, improving or speeding that recycling appears to create positive health outcomes. They include changes […]
Why does exercise work? (2/01/12)
Making Regeneration More Efficient People are exhorted every day – exercise, exercise, exercise. Many patients I see are annoyed. Why should I bother? they ask. How much difference can it make? Next they’re told it will increase their lifespan; lower their blood pressure; decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke; lower the risk of […]