Music for the Sleepless, or Disharmony? It’s not every day the FDA approves a new drug – especially a new sleeping pill. Intermezzo is a term that refers to a separate piece that plays in between acts – especially in a musical performance like opera. And now it’s being repositioned to name a “new” kind […]
Regenerating the economy, regenerating your health – Part II (11/28/11)
New Ideas for Health As was clear in Part I, many factors can help revive the American economy . They also hold many lessons for individuals: 3. Immigration – A lot of what has kept the US competitive since the 1970s have been successes in technology like those from Silicon Valley, where at least 35% […]
Booze and sleeping pills – the wrong combination (11/16/11)
Alcohol and Pills for Sleep “Beer and valium, that’s how I sleep. Works every time, a perfect night’s sleep.” So said an actor friend of mine, who often had trouble “coming down” after a play and used this cocktail three or four times a week. Yet often alcohol plus sleeping pills do not “work.” Thirty […]
Seeing the new you (11/9/11)
Seeing What’s Inside If you don’t see it, it’s not there, right? And that’s how most people react when told of the extraordinary speed by which their body remakes itself. I look at myself in the mirror now as I did four weeks ago. My gut is approximately as big, my feet, my calves, my […]
Senescent cells and the promise of human regeneration (11/7/11)
Learning From Mice Aging seems inevitable, but thoughts of reversing it propel great excitement. A group at Mayo Clinic has recently discovered that if a tiny group of cells, called senescent cells, are genetically manipulated to self-destruct, much of aging disappears – in mice. What the Study Showed The mice were a specially bred group […]