Getting Undepressed Without Drugs I treat many, many sleepy people. Many of them, especially those with sleep apnea, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia, are or have been clinically depressed. Lots of them have seen their GPs and been placed on antidepressants without success. They’re already on a laundry list of medications, and in hard economic times […]
Lazy Cakes – waiting for a new non-prescription drug disaster (2/18/11)
Relaxation Brownies? Lazy Cakes is two ounces of sleeping medication masquerading as a chocolate brownie – an attempt at a “natural pot” brownie, as it’s advertising implies. It contains a warning on the back, four separate lines within a bracket of one quarter of an inch, lines small enough that children will not see them […]
Booze disrupts sleep – and you’re surprised? (2/16/11)
A Different Kind of Nightcap A study on alcohol and sleep from the University of Michigan has gained much press attention – though much of the news is not new. Yes, alcohol powerfully disrupts sleep. It disrupts lots of healthy processes necessary for body regeneration. The real news may be that media people find the […]
Putting life into life coaching (2/8/11)
Preparing for Life They’re everywhere, promising transformation, momentum, performance, and vision. Life coaching as a business has ballooned over the past twenty years, with tens of thousands of practitioners ranging from psychotherapists and physicians with decades of clinical experience and real wisdom to youngsters whose claims are their only claims to fame. There are educators, […]
Who’s flying your plane? (2/7/11)
When Your Pilot Falls Asleep – and Locks the Door Sometimes folks fall asleep and you can’t wake them up – not for quite a while. When it’s your SAS pilot flying you from Copenhagen to Stockholm, it does provoke comment. Last year, as reported by Fran Golden in AOL Health, a short hop, one […]