An Illness With Many Effects Too many people have fibromyalgia, perhaps up to 4% of Americans, but nobody knows why. Much controversy has followed work by Zahnle et al. who argued studies linking fibromyalgia with viruses like XMRV actually found nothing but artifacts, denying their results altogether. This has increased the public sense of murkiness […]
Want to control your weight? Treat food as information (1/6/11)
Information is Physical Now that the holidays are over, you really want to control your eating – forever. One useful way is to see food as information, as a series of messages given to the body. So look at your body the way many physicists do – as a giant information processing machine. […]
Why can’t I rest? Learning how to regenerate yourself (1/5/10)
Beginning Your Regeneration It’s the New Year, but people feel tired and restless. They’re worried about the economy, their jobs and family, and the the state of the world. They wonder if their health will hold out and if health care will be there when they need it. No wonder people have a […]
Why can’t I rest Part 2 – how to not worry about sleep (1/4/11)
Feeling Restless Today, many feel restless and tired much of the time. Partly this is due to people’s thinking that only one kind of rest exists – passive rest – sleep and “doing nothing.” Active rest, especially physical and social rest, is available to most everyone and can be used to quickly you. Yet paradoxically […]
Provigil – secret uses of stimulants (12/31/10)
Staying Up Humans love to experiment – on ourselves. If a drug works in one arena, it will be tried in another and another. Provigil, (generic – modafinil) is the newest prescription stimulant, even though a version was devised in France in the 1970’s. Okayed by the US FDA for narcolepsy, sleepiness in sleep apnea, […]