Yes, it can and does. You grow new brain cells at night if you walk 20-30 minutes a day. You also can grow new grey matter. Take the case of a long term study of Swedish twins, pointed out to me by my friend Tom Walker. Georg Kuhn, professor of regeneration neuroscience at Gothenburg University, […]
You’re never the same – which keeps you alive
1. A lot of you got replaced last night. Physically you’re a different person each time you wake. And because we rebuild so quickly and completely, this represents a fantastic opportunity to rebuild your body the way you want. Proteins are the complicated business end of life, creating enzymes, receptors, muscle. They should last a […]
Why does lack of toddler sleep make them obese?
The recent studies showing that when kids aged 0-5 sleep less than 10 hours at night are markedly more obese five to seven years later has parents worried. It’s one thing that lack of rest leads to obesity and dying younger in adults – but toddlers? What’s going on? Plenty. Brain development in the womb […]
A new way to rest – the UnNap Nap
The UnSleep Way to Rest – The UnNap Nap PROBLEM – even though rest is how your body rebuilds, people feel they don’t have time to do it. But we really need rest – much of the population is sleep deprived. It’s even more severely rest deprived, which fouls up mood, performance, and your health. […]
Make Life Flow
The second part of “The Power of Rest”, which was published June 8th by Harper One, is about how to give life rhythm and flow. That’s achieved by combining and timing active rest techniques to make people healthier, feel and look younger, and also gain the chance for more powerful and frequent peak experiences. As […]