Who’s Using What? Consider these facts: According to the government, 20% of American adults have abused prescription drugs – ingesting drugs for other than therapeutic purposes. Perhaps one in four teenagers are abusing prescription drugs. 30% of adult women are using a sleeping pill at least a few nights a week Eleven percent of Americans […]
Weight, learning and sleep – it’s all connected (11/14/11)
Less Sleep, More Weight – and Worse Learning Connections count. A few years ago people had a hard time believing that sleep time determined weight. Though physicians have long recognized that increased weight means increased sleep apnea, most of the population does not recognize that being overweight itself interferes with sleep and increases inflammation. […]
Your cell phone is a biological part of you (11/11/11)
Your Hand, Your Cellphone You’re an ecosystem – a complicated one. Your cell phone is just one component of it – and an inescapable part of your biology. Fortunately, it’s one you can control. A recent UK survey from 12 separate districts found bacteria on 92% of cell phones – and only 82% of human […]
When good things are bad for you – are vitamins too much of a good thing? (10/14/11)
When Good Things Are Bad For You Vitamin – the word itself conjures up healthiness, something vital for life. Without them we can’t live. But can we have too much of them? Yes. Just like we can have too much food. The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K – all have associated hypervitaminosis […]
Underestimating sleep (9/13/11)
Do You Think You Sleep Better Than You Do? Do you get enough sleep to feel rested, refreshed and regenerated each morning? Much of the answer may lie in how much sleep you think you get each night. Which is usually less than most believe. College Sleep The most recent data come from a study […]