How Can Hot Dogs Be Bad For You? Never deny the force of genetics or fate – yet the trick to being healthy is staying healthy. Which means another American icon may soon leave your school cafeteria. Regularly eating hot dogs increases your chance of getting diabetes – by quite a lot. So does bacon, […]
Will my TV kill me? (8/17/11)
Does Watching TV Shorten Your Life? Twenty one point eight minutes of lost life for every hour watched. That’s the precise measurement coming from a widely reported Australian study of watching TV. Based on 11,000 adults, they estimate that Australian males, averaging 2 hours of TV a day, will see their lifespan decrease by 1.8 […]
Why we don’t “get” rest (8/12/11)
Rest – Required for Life Why rest? One reason – to survive. Rest takes up more of your life than food, and is every much as necessary. You need rest to grow and regenerate, to learn and experience the fullest passion. In other words, to live. But people don’t “get” rest. They don’t get it […]
Twilight consciousness – can you text while asleep (and what does that say about you?) (8/10/11)
Burning to Communicate Can you text while asleep? Many claim to do just that. They wake up in the morning and find they’ve sent a text to someone and have no recollection they did it ( Sometimes the text is nonsense, sometimes its message is rational but banal. What’s Going On? People are now […]
Relaxation Drinks – cause for anxiety? (7/29/11)
Immediate and Ultimate Relaxation? Any idea what’s in that can you’re drinking? In a wired up nation worried about multiple wars, fiscal collapse, disappearing jobs, hurricanes and floods, global climate change and the Casey Anthony trial results, it’s no surprise that people want to relax. Into that “perceived need” have jumped “relaxation drinks,” presently numbering […]