Sleep, Sex, and Bullying Some connections superficially look strange. Why should sleep disordered breathing be associated with bullying and conduct disordered kids – as well as adult males with erectile problems? Is not breathing during sleep, or simple lack of sleep, affecting both aggressive behavior and our capacity for sex? Let’s take a look. […]
Let the kids sleep (6/3/11)
Rest Changes Through the Life Cycle Rest is required for growth and maturation, but the requirements change over the life cycle. We need separate kinds of rest for special purposes at every stage of life – infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Recent work points out some of what’s required for growing kids: Infancy […]
Diet and exercise won’t solve obesity (5/27/11)
The Missing Link That Explains Obesity? It’s front-page news – the missing link to explain why we’re so fat. In the May 26th New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope reports on a new study led by Timothy Church that “a sizable portion of the national weight gain can be explained by declining physical activity during the […]
Banned in Arkansas – Lazy Cakes are off the shelves (5/23/11)
Regulators Begin Actions on Drugs as Foods Lazy Cakes, a brownie filled with now 7.8 mg of melatonin, unknown amounts of valerian root and other “herbal” drugs, was banned last week by the Arkansas Department of Health. It also facing a ban in Fall River and New Bedford, Massachusetts. When I wrote about Lazy Cakes […]
A simple way to save 10,000 lives (each year – 4/15/11)
Driving The National Safety Council estimates that 28% of car crashes, about 1.6 million a year, are due to drivers using cell phones to talk or text. There are about 34,000 deaths while driving each year. Please do the math. Some say the numbers are lower, but you’re still talking perhaps 10,000 deaths – […]