The recent studies showing that when kids aged 0-5 sleep less than 10 hours at night are markedly more obese five to seven years later has parents worried. It’s one thing that lack of rest leads to obesity and dying younger in adults – but toddlers? What’s going on? Plenty. Brain development in the womb […]
How much sleep do I need?
Enough to feel awake, aware, and creative throughout the day. Most Americans never feel fully rested, which affects your productivity, pleasure, mood, and happiness – plus how long you’ll live. Consider these facts: 1. Sleep is a part of rest, the way your body regenerates itself. . You’re not a machine but a living being. […]
Can we stop laboring on Labor Day?
Labor Day may be coming around, but people don’t seem to stop laboring around the clock. Here’s an article from the NY Times where news shows are now starting at 4 AM – the dead zone for human performance, when people really screw up and accidents really go up – cue Chernobyl and Three Mile […]