Money and Health Money will buy you health care. It won’t buy you health. The media equation of health with health care is a sad and tragic misperception. It makes people think that if they have enough money and “great” health insurance, that even if they get sick everything will be fine. That might prove […]
Alert – Bacteria Are Reprogramming Your DNA (2/6/13)
Nerves Into Stem Cells Nerve cells are remarkably reprogrammable. The proof? Leprosy bacteria can take Schwann cells – the stuff that wraps nerve cells axon in white, fatty sheaths so they transmit faster – convert them into stem cells, then use them to flummox the immune system and infect the whole body. Which is rather […]
Crazy About Drugs (2/4/13)
A Problem of Law Item: An Egyptian rights lawyer is sentenced to 5 years in jail and 300 lashes of the whip for bringing anti-anxiety drugs (xanax – alprazolam) into Saudi Arabia. The judge notes the perpetrator’s “good morals” in explaining his “lenient” verdict (anti-anxiety drugs are banned in Saudi Arabia.) Item: Florida regulators led […]
The New Hypochondriacs (Our Brave New Sensor World – 1/30/13)
New York, 2016 Your smartphone blasts you into semiconsciousness at 3:20 in the morning. As you shakily grab the sides blue and white neon flash across the screen – “Warning! You are at risk of heart attack. Consult your physician immediately.” You stare at the messages, but the picture stays the same. Hit a few […]
Why Weight Is Not Public Health Enemy #1 (1/28/13)
So Big America is obese. So we hear each day. Our kids are obese. Weight is leading to early death, destroying the future of adolescents and young adults. The epidemic of diabesity will destroy American competitiveness – 30 year olds with diabetes don’t work so well – and bankrupt the Treasury through higher Medicare costs. […]