Certain Uncertainty Volatility. The times are out of joint, with nearly certain uncertainty stalking people’s thoughts. People tell me of sleeplessness unprecedented since 9/11, of aimless worry keeping up those who have slept well throughout their lives. Is their concern hurricanes, floods, global climate change? The nation’s three wars, or its paralyzing political deadlock? The […]
Using hypnosis (Carin Friedman 8/31/11)
THE MANY USES OF CLINICAL HYPNOSIS by Carin Friedman Imagine a simple, harmless, non-evasive treatment that can resolve a multitude of emotional and physical symptoms. Hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, is a mind-body technique that has the potential to bring about remarkable and enduring healing quickly – often in as little as one to three […]
Depressed? Use a Systems Approach to Treat It (8/26/11)
Too Many Are Depressed Depression is one version of hell on earth, and Americans have a lot of it. A recent international study run by Evelyn Bromet of 18 countries found America near the top, with 19.2 percent of the population having experienced depression — only France, at 21 percent, ranked higher. With our tottering […]
If you’ve died from this drug, call this number (8/24/11)
Death Is Not The End Have you heard this TV ad? Considering a malpractice suit beyond the grave? It’s a contrast with the drug advertisments whose promises of vanquished suffering end with fast talking announcers spitting potential “side effects” including death and dishevelment, followed by the ever present legal catch – “ask your doctor.” Yes, […]
Will my TV kill me? (8/17/11)
Does Watching TV Shorten Your Life? Twenty one point eight minutes of lost life for every hour watched. That’s the precise measurement coming from a widely reported Australian study of watching TV. Based on 11,000 adults, they estimate that Australian males, averaging 2 hours of TV a day, will see their lifespan decrease by 1.8 […]