Driving The National Safety Council estimates that 28% of car crashes, about 1.6 million a year, are due to drivers using cell phones to talk or text. There are about 34,000 deaths while driving each year. Please do the math. Some say the numbers are lower, but you’re still talking perhaps 10,000 deaths – […]
Florida does it again – voting to ban children from playing outside (4/06/11)
Keep Them In Tim Dorsey and Carl Hiaasen, move over – Florida reality again trumps both fantasy and novelistic legerdemain. Perhaps it’s the effect of earthquakes and oil spills (our one year anniversary of the BP disaster) but strangeness pervades the state. Some weeks ago five teenagers in Silver Springs Shore snorted the remains of […]
Let your pilot sleep (4/4/11)
Trouble in the Air Holes blow through the tops of airplanes. Cracks appear in the fuselages. Air traffic controllers nod off while the planes are flying – at the main airport for Congress. It’s not been a good time for air travel. And there’s more trouble – pilots involuntarily are falling asleep in the air. […]
Does sleep loss give me the munchies, or do I just get high? (4/1/11)
How to Gain Weight Without Even Trying Sleep less, weigh more. Even if might feel temporarily high from staying up all night, keep staying up and you’re going to put on weight. Quickly. Columbia University researchers rigidly controlled the life of 13 men and 13 women for six days. One group slept 8 hours, the […]
When your air traffic controller falls asleep (3/30/11)
Sleep and Security Pilots fall asleep flying. Drivers fall asleep driving. Nuclear plant operators fall asleep manipulating spent fuel rods. Air traffic controllers fall asleep while planes keep flying… Last week the air traffic controller for Ronald Reagen, formerly National Airport, fell asleep. He was controlling traffic at the Washington D.C. airport that is a […]