Stealing Doggie Xanax Sometimes the dog did not do it. One of my patients has a son who struggles with mood swings and addictions. After a recent hospitalization he returned home. He appeared to do quite well in his classes and social relations. His use of illicit drugs seemed over. Or so his parents thought. […]
Putting life into life coaching (2/8/11)
Preparing for Life They’re everywhere, promising transformation, momentum, performance, and vision. Life coaching as a business has ballooned over the past twenty years, with tens of thousands of practitioners ranging from psychotherapists and physicians with decades of clinical experience and real wisdom to youngsters whose claims are their only claims to fame. There are educators, […]
Who’s flying your plane? (2/7/11)
When Your Pilot Falls Asleep – and Locks the Door Sometimes folks fall asleep and you can’t wake them up – not for quite a while. When it’s your SAS pilot flying you from Copenhagen to Stockholm, it does provoke comment. Last year, as reported by Fran Golden in AOL Health, a short hop, one […]
When chocolate brownies are sleeping pills, people can die (2/2/11)
Kids Who Can’t Wake Up Want to bite into a savory chocolate brownie laced with hormones? “Grab a box today and let your problems melt away,” promises “Lazy Cakes,” a new “relaxation brownie” containing 4 mg of melatonin plus valerian root. One writer for Phoenix News ate the chewy cake and fell asleep for twelve […]
In the bedroom (1/31/11)
An Environment for Rest Rest is regeneration, and how you sleep affects every part of your life. Recently the National Sleep Foundation (I am a lifetime member) did a nationwide telephone interview of 1500 adults ages 25-55 to determine what kind of bed environment they liked. Since the study was funded by the makers of […]