Thieves of Time People don’t get enough light in their lives. They really really become distressed when governments take sunlight away from them – rather like officials increasing the tax on air. The politics of daylight time are heating up. Scotland The most recent example of public unhappiness is Scotland. Attempts to make daylight savings […]
Can we learn to multitask? (1/26/11)
Death TV The brain only does well one task at a time; multitasking is becoming the norm at work and play. The contradiction represented in those two statements is now being played out for keeps in emergency services and the American military. Utilizing large amounts of instantaneous information can save many lives; it can also […]
Aflockalypse Now – what the birds and the bees are telling us (1/21/11)
The Birds and the Bees Love, romance, sex. That’s what the “birds and the bees” are supposed to be about. Yet recently the birds and the bees have been providing us different lessons about regeneration, the rapid process which keeps us and all the other living things alive. Many of these lessons affect our survival. […]
How to sleep anywhere (1/19/11)
Can You Sleep When You Need To? You’re exhausted, strung out, and can’t wait to fall asleep – but you can’t. You’re on an airplane or bus or holed up in a hotel waiting for the weather to turn, a place where a nap or long, restful sleep would be very welcomed. Yet you feel […]
Life is fast; so is cancer (1/18/11)
Living in the Fast Lane Smokers can’t give up cigarettes easily. What they may not realize is how fast cigarettes can get them – and the rest of us. Leonard Bernstein’s West Side gang member Jets sang “from your first cigarette to your last dying day.” Cigarettes are less heroic these days. They produce more […]