Stand Up More and more studies demonstrate that sitting down is hazardous to your health. Yet moving, even standing for a minute, marks a positive change. So it’s time to stand up and take charge of your health. Scotland and America It’s strange to see two cohort studies of approximately the same size […]
Fibromyalgia, obesity, sleep and pain (1/14/11)
An Illness With Many Effects Too many people have fibromyalgia, perhaps up to 4% of Americans, but nobody knows why. Much controversy has followed work by Zahnle et al. who argued studies linking fibromyalgia with viruses like XMRV actually found nothing but artifacts, denying their results altogether. This has increased the public sense of murkiness […]
Text or phone? Which is healthier? (1/11/11)
What Forms of Communication Work Best for Health? Social communication can be very healthy for you. The data on social support range back to Berkman and Syme’s classic Alameda County Study of 1979 – generally the more social contacts you have, the longer you’ll live. The decrease in cardiovascular disease and depression via increasing social […]
Want to control your weight? Treat food as information (1/6/11)
Information is Physical Now that the holidays are over, you really want to control your eating – forever. One useful way is to see food as information, as a series of messages given to the body. So look at your body the way many physicists do – as a giant information processing machine. […]
Why can’t I rest? Learning how to regenerate yourself (1/5/10)
Beginning Your Regeneration It’s the New Year, but people feel tired and restless. They’re worried about the economy, their jobs and family, and the the state of the world. They wonder if their health will hold out and if health care will be there when they need it. No wonder people have a […]