Feeling Restless Today, many feel restless and tired much of the time. Partly this is due to people’s thinking that only one kind of rest exists – passive rest – sleep and “doing nothing.” Active rest, especially physical and social rest, is available to most everyone and can be used to quickly you. Yet paradoxically […]
Provigil – secret uses of stimulants (12/31/10)
Staying Up Humans love to experiment – on ourselves. If a drug works in one arena, it will be tried in another and another. Provigil, (generic – modafinil) is the newest prescription stimulant, even though a version was devised in France in the 1970’s. Okayed by the US FDA for narcolepsy, sleepiness in sleep apnea, […]
Your New Year’s Revolutions (12/29/10)
Take Charge It’s a New Year, so it’s time to take charge. Americans are often unhappy with their lives and even more unhappy about their futures. Start with not a resolution but a revolution – a new way of looking at your body and brain that let’s you more fully control your fate. You’re not […]
Caffeine, alcohol, and the holidays (12/23/10)
What Will You Do This Year? What do people do during the holidays? Many will drink too much and eat too much (please see the recent article “Don’t Stuff the Wrong Turkey” for help controlling excess eating.) What else do lots of us do? Stay up late with relatives and friends, talking and drinking – […]
You think you’re covered? The health insurance pre-authorization con (12/21/10)
Pre-Authorize Your Life Over many years the health insurance industry has labored to perfect methods that obstruct sensible use of medical services. As their abilities improve we should expect worsening care, higher prices, and a poorly served, frustrated population – including you. Here’s just one very small but instructive example of how insurance obstruction works […]