Another Facebook Effect The Facebook effect may bring communities together on a host of different issues, but more people are using Facebook as a bedtime fix. Internet forecasters often like to say this time is different – this time they may be right. Travelodge Tells It You don’t expect hotel companies to put out surveys […]
If I get sick can I blame the weather? (12/06/10)
Can you blame your illness on weather changes? If you’re injured, yes. Just check your emergency room. Evidence from Warwick University shows significant increases in accident visits when the daily maximum or minimum temperature goes up or down more than five degrees Centigrade (9 degrees Fahrenheit.) The effects were largest in winter and summer. With […]
Even the CIA doesn’t trust your health care (12/03/10)
Your Survival is On the Line In a time of Wikileaks revelations it’s hard for any story to stand out. When US diplomats are asked to obtain DNA samples of any significant foreigner they meet, and the Saudi King is telling the US how to bomb Iran, who cares that the CIA says the US […]
How the Internet will change your body – Part IV – Making the Net improve your health (12/2/10)
Plan 1 – Make Mobile Computing Truly Mobile Internet providers happily point out that the Net now goes everywhere – with the possible exception of extra-planetary outer space. You can watch narwhals piercing the Arctic ice sheet while you argue with your health insurance provider about your massively increased medical bills. So why not walk […]
How the internet will change your body – Part III- Virtual Me and Real Me (12/1/10)
Virtual Me Versus Real Me When I was growing up kids spent a lot of time looking in the mirror and grooming. Getting a girlfriend or boyfriend depended (and still does) on how you looked. So did self-esteem. Today, much of that attention is paid not to the personal appearance but to virtual appearance – […]