Ending Lives Across America, communities are expiring. The average population decrease is 4% a year. Smaller, more endangered groups are disappearing at a rate more like 12%. Government records argue that if the die-off continues at this pace, half these communities will be gone in 20 years. Who are they? Rural farmers? Skilled urban industrial […]
Are We Aging – or Regenerating?
Illness, or a Failure of Regeneration? Living things don’t go around wondering how they’ll get sick and die. They want to know how to live. That should be your concern. All living things regenerate to survive. So do you and your body – no matter what your age. We renew, rebuild, reinvent ourselves constantly, every […]
Time rules life (2/27/12)
Time Rules Life The Romans knew it two thousand years ago – everything in life is timed. Your body is a hive of interlinked clocks. Some operate over less than a second, others work over seasons or years. Yet the most studied internal clocks are those that control our 24 hour day. Called circadian – […]
The quick and the dead (2/24/12)
Walk, Don’t Stroll The term “the quick and the dead” – the difference between those still on the earth and those who have left – may derive from the sixteenth century Book of Common Prayer. It’s sentiments still holds true. Humans have evolved to walk. We walk across mountains, deserts, high plains and shopping malls. […]
Senescent cells and the promise of human regeneration (11/7/11)
Learning From Mice Aging seems inevitable, but thoughts of reversing it propel great excitement. A group at Mayo Clinic has recently discovered that if a tiny group of cells, called senescent cells, are genetically manipulated to self-destruct, much of aging disappears – in mice. What the Study Showed The mice were a specially bred group […]