Tough Times for Vampires It’s been difficult recently for vampires. October 9th was World Vampire Day. Only two days following this celebratory occasion, Toronto vampires filming the latest “Resident Evil” were struck by a construction accident, with multiple injuries and broken bones. Yet we all know that are vampires are very resilient. One potential vampire […]
Three questions about sleep and sex (10/19/11)
Coping in Tough Times Times are tough. People are out of work and can’t find any, 15% of the country often goes to bed hungry, and the euro may crash and upend the world economy. Folks need a break. In the old days, sex and sleep could help revive spirits and help regenerate body and […]
Snore no more! (7/27/11)
Are You Snoring? Guess Who’s Watching! Snoring is not normal. It’s associated with increased heart attack and stroke risk. Prolonged snoring eventually leads to sleep apnea, stopped breathing episodes that increasingly risk survival. And snoring is often loud. It wakes up other people – particularly spouses, where it sometimes becomes grounds for divorce. It […]
“Legal” drugs that can kill you – phenazepam and other disasters (7/20/11)
So Many Ways To Die The saying is true – it’s all available on the Net –including legal drugs that can end your life. One of them, phenazepam, is usually made in Russia, and is available legally without prescription throughout much of the world – because it’s not on the list of controlled substances for […]
Booze disrupts sleep – and you’re surprised? (2/16/11)
A Different Kind of Nightcap A study on alcohol and sleep from the University of Michigan has gained much press attention – though much of the news is not new. Yes, alcohol powerfully disrupts sleep. It disrupts lots of healthy processes necessary for body regeneration. The real news may be that media people find the […]