How much sleep is enough? How much is too much? Questions like this have dogged sleep researchers for many years. And they often befuddle the public. Several years ago I was questioned on MSNBC on “reports” that people sleeping more than 8 hours a night died at a higher rate than people sleeping less. Should the […]
You May Never Get Out of Bed Again
If 85% of Americans die in bed, you might think people would regularly want to get out of them. Beds are wonderfully designed for sleep and sex. But do you want to use them (much) for anything else? The commercial answer is yes! World industry is moving heaven and earth to create devices that will make it possible […]
Why Don’t People Sleep?
“Can’t I just treat my insomnia with a book?” My interlocutor was sure there was a book out there (including one of my mine) that “could get me to sleep just fine.” Certainly many could do with a brief bout of Sleep School – understanding how sleep affects their health, performance, pleasure, pain, income and mortality […]