Preventing Dementia Many people are scared of death, but often tell me they’re more frightened of dementia. “I can’t face that,” one patient told me, “I can’t do that to my family.” So how to stop it? One Swedish study shows a way. It includes a follow up of 44 years. Persistence can pay off. In […]
Everything You Do Teaches You – How Biological Intelligence Works
Biological Intelligence Every moment of your life is a teaching moment for your body. Except most of that teaching is unconscious. Which is why you hear more about artificial intelligence than biological intelligence. But biological intelligence, how your body makes and uses information, is far more powerful and personal. Biological information flows in ways we never […]
Time to Go With the Dogs
Dogs Can Help You Live – and Live Longer Can living with a dog improve your life? It certainly appears canine companionship might extend it. The results come from a Swedish study at Uppsala University which used the longstanding public health advantages of that country. All the Swedish population between the ages of 40-80 were surveyed. Out of those […]
Fighting Dementia Using Your Eyes and Ears
Dementia scares people. Rates are rising. New evidence shows decreased vision and hearing make dementia more likely. One study out of Stanford found people who had vision loss and did not seek treatment showed five times the cognitive decline rate, and over nine times the Alzheimer’s rate as those without problems, through a period of eight and a half […]
Exercise – A Great Way to Learn
We are often admonished to exercise. It’s anti-inflammatory – we’re told. You’ll get less heart attacks and strokes. Fewer tumors. Clearly less Alzheimer’s disease. And you might lose weight and look better. But what is it we do during exercise? We learn. Become more biologically intelligent. For if learning is the acquisition of knowledge and skills, exercise […]