Is Morning or Evening Exercise Better? Exercise has multiple, generally positive effects. You can exercise to regenerate brain cells; to improve mental acuity; to control weight; to improve memory; to look younger and fitter. Some argue regular exercise can add about six to seven years to the average lifespan. The “best” times for these […]
The looming Chinese debt (6/10/11)
An Unacknowledged Debt China’s US trade and treasury security surplus remains legendary. At least two trillion dollars of Treasury debt is held by Chinese banks and government entities; each month many billions of dollars flows into Chinese coffers, as we buy far more than what we sell to them. The Chinese government then buys […]
Diet and exercise won’t solve obesity (5/27/11)
The Missing Link That Explains Obesity? It’s front-page news – the missing link to explain why we’re so fat. In the May 26th New York Times, Tara Parker-Pope reports on a new study led by Timothy Church that “a sizable portion of the national weight gain can be explained by declining physical activity during the […]
Is sugar poison? (5/5/11)
Villain or Hero? We like our villains simple and singular, whether in politics or food. Our brains crave order, but seeing issues as part of larger systems is too complicated, too effortful and time consuming to seem worth it. Besides, it makes for lousy copy. Better to choose a villain. Recently, patients have been coming […]
Cheap and sweet (4/08/11)
Literally Guarding Kids From Sugar Parents are now guarding Philadelphia corner candy stores – keeping their kids out. Right now 20% of American children are obese. Are ad hoc “militias” of parents blocking candy stores a smart way to prevent future obesity? This is no way to run a country – or a health […]