Pill Power The human body possesses fantastic regenerative power. We replace most of ourselves inside three to four weeks, updating and upgrading as we go, refashioning information into new bodies, bone and brain. But that is not why Americans go to their doctors. When people feel ill or even fearful of illness, they want relief, […]
If you’ve died from this drug, call this number (8/24/11)
Death Is Not The End Have you heard this TV ad? Considering a malpractice suit beyond the grave? It’s a contrast with the drug advertisments whose promises of vanquished suffering end with fast talking announcers spitting potential “side effects” including death and dishevelment, followed by the ever present legal catch – “ask your doctor.” Yes, […]
Banned in Arkansas – Lazy Cakes are off the shelves (5/23/11)
Regulators Begin Actions on Drugs as Foods Lazy Cakes, a brownie filled with now 7.8 mg of melatonin, unknown amounts of valerian root and other “herbal” drugs, was banned last week by the Arkansas Department of Health. It also facing a ban in Fall River and New Bedford, Massachusetts. When I wrote about Lazy Cakes […]