Personal and National Wealth What does it mean to be wealthy? Is it money and liquid assets – bank accounts, stock portfolios, homes and boats and jets? Or maybe that idea is wrong. Real wealth may first arise from health – a true sense of well-being. And could it be that health directly increases your […]
Fit the Person to the Body – Personal Health (7/17/12)
Part I – Personal Health You don’t use a sports car to trailer a cigarette boat. It might do the task – for a while. Before the chassis screams and the engine breaks. The same is true of human beings. Our hunter gatherer bodies are not fit for the Internet Age. Not at all. Many […]
Watch Out – the Net is Changing Your Body (7/5/12)
Using A Technology that Changes You The universe is a sea of information. Your body is an information processing unit. The Internet and how you use it is changing your body – right now. Though some changes are conscious, most do not reach conscious awareness. But change is happening fast. If you want to control […]
Will the Affordable Care Act Make America Healthy? (7/3/12)
A Paradigm Change Will health care reform make America healthy? No. Health care does not equal health. That’s expecting peppers to grow out of pear trees. The Affordable Care Act will improve lives. Pregnancy will no longer be a “pre-existing condition.” But the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of the nation – and you […]
Treating Information as Food (5/30/12)
Food is Information, Information is Food Your body runs on information. Think of your body as an information processor and how it works starts to fall into focus. Food as information has many forms. There are proteins and calories, fats and sugars. Yet there are innumerable information packed chemicals in food, ranging from vitamins to […]