Sleep and Behavior Research has long linked sleep and behavior – in adults. The picture in children has been cloudier. Now a new study of British data evaluated by American academic researchers, makes the picture clearer: Snoring is not good for children. The Avon Longitudinal Study Mothers and fathers filled out questionnaires on children aged […]
Weight, learning and sleep – it’s all connected (11/14/11)
Less Sleep, More Weight – and Worse Learning Connections count. A few years ago people had a hard time believing that sleep time determined weight. Though physicians have long recognized that increased weight means increased sleep apnea, most of the population does not recognize that being overweight itself interferes with sleep and increases inflammation. […]
Relaxation Drinks – cause for anxiety? (7/29/11)
Immediate and Ultimate Relaxation? Any idea what’s in that can you’re drinking? In a wired up nation worried about multiple wars, fiscal collapse, disappearing jobs, hurricanes and floods, global climate change and the Casey Anthony trial results, it’s no surprise that people want to relax. Into that “perceived need” have jumped “relaxation drinks,” presently numbering […]
When chocolate brownies are sleeping pills, people can die (2/2/11)
Kids Who Can’t Wake Up Want to bite into a savory chocolate brownie laced with hormones? “Grab a box today and let your problems melt away,” promises “Lazy Cakes,” a new “relaxation brownie” containing 4 mg of melatonin plus valerian root. One writer for Phoenix News ate the chewy cake and fell asleep for twelve […]