Immovable News note: 3.5% of Americans aged 18-59 do 150 minutes or more of moderate physical activity per week – the minimum recommended by the government for health (Gina Kolata, NY Times, 11/20/12). Only 96.5% of the younger adult population is not doing the minimum required exercise. It’s 97.5% for those over 59. Taking away the […]
How You View Your Body Changes Your Body (10/17/12)
Thought As Action Ideas change the world. They also change your body. In the early nineteenth century scientists worked eagerly to discover the fundamentals of chemistry. Using progressively more accurate equipment they measured the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in water, of oxygen to carbon in what we now call carbon dioxide. The ratios they […]
Are You A Figment of Someone’s Imagination? (9/20/12)
Nothing is Always Something Could I and everything I know be nothing more than lines of computer code? The movie “The Matrix” and the manga and books it spawned enthralled and appalled. Yet the idea of the universe as “mere” artificially created information lies at the base of much human creativity. Mathematical equations describe multiple […]
Are We Aging – or Regenerating?
Illness, or a Failure of Regeneration? Living things don’t go around wondering how they’ll get sick and die. They want to know how to live. That should be your concern. All living things regenerate to survive. So do you and your body – no matter what your age. We renew, rebuild, reinvent ourselves constantly, every […]
Training – to Transform Your Body (6/26/12)
Always Learning Your body constantly updates the information it receives. It learns. Through that learning it regenerates itself, remaking itself constantly. Most of your heart is replaced in about three days. Change is the true constant. You’re never the same from second to second. For what you do is what you become. The experiences you […]