Getting Healthy – A Simple Way Now that “Healthy Without Health Insurance” is out on Kindle, people keep asking me what it’s about. I tell them it’s about getting healthy simply, cheaply, and effectively. I also tell them it has a new paradigm for real health and well-being – that if you give your body […]
What’s healthy? (5/3/12)
Health Versus Health Care Talk to Americans about health and the topic generally switches—immediately—to health care. It makes sense. Health care is our Titanic. In what other country do you spend 18% of your total economy on a crazy, dysfunctional system which ranks you 50th in the world for lifespan (according to the CIA). In the […]
Are we fatter than we think? (4/10/12)
What is Obesity? A recent study in PL0S 1, an online journal of medicine, argues that Americans are far more obese than present standards of obesity, defined by body mass index, imply. In a study of 9000 patients in a New York private practice, at least 39% of those classified as overweight are thought to […]
Senescent cells and the promise of human regeneration (11/7/11)
Learning From Mice Aging seems inevitable, but thoughts of reversing it propel great excitement. A group at Mayo Clinic has recently discovered that if a tiny group of cells, called senescent cells, are genetically manipulated to self-destruct, much of aging disappears – in mice. What the Study Showed The mice were a specially bred group […]
Florida does it again – voting to ban children from playing outside (4/06/11)
Keep Them In Tim Dorsey and Carl Hiaasen, move over – Florida reality again trumps both fantasy and novelistic legerdemain. Perhaps it’s the effect of earthquakes and oil spills (our one year anniversary of the BP disaster) but strangeness pervades the state. Some weeks ago five teenagers in Silver Springs Shore snorted the remains of […]