Sleepless in Seattle War is hell, said General William Tecumseh Sherman, whose 1864 march to the sea changed the course of American and military history. And the practice of war, even in “peacetime” can be hell on the human body. That is the lesson of a panel at this year’s national sleep meetings in Seattle, […]
Will Sleep Apnea Make Me Get Alzheimer’s?
Better Breathing, Better, Sleep, Better Memory It’s been known for a long time that severe sleep apnea provokes memory problems. But what about not so severe apnea? A group at NYU decided to find out. What Did They Do? Repurposed an old study. A cohort population study looking over time at changes in neuroimaging and […]
The Blue Light Special
Lighting Up Your Life Light is a potent drug. It resets internal biological clocks. It increases alertness and productivity. It changes natural killer cell activity and immunity. It can keep us awake or help us rest. But first we have to recognize that not all light is not created equal. Which is why some people […]
Sleep For Sex
Better Living Through Sleep Sleep and sex regenerate people. They are made for and need each other. Humans cannot survive lacking the internal rebuilding of sleep; we cannot survive without sex. Less appreciated is how sleep and sex enhance the pleasure and creativity of both. Among the thousands of ways that happens, here are five […]
Depression — Cheap Ways to Treat
Depression costs. It’s generally ranked among the top three illnesses in the world in economic carnage. Depressed people don’t work well and often get physically sick, while their illness frequently wrecks careers, marriages and families. Perhaps 30% of Americans will become clinically depressed during their lifetimes – a proportion that is rising. Public efforts to […]