Want a smarter body? One that helps deny cancer, dementia, heart attack and stroke and gives you fuller physical, mental and social well-being? Then it’s time to use biological intelligence – how your body creates and uses information. To get a smarter body, check out this video
The Most Important Learning (10/13/14)
It’s time for a very short quiz. Do you learn more – Taking a walk across an abandoned car park Or Studying for a required calculus test? Teachers, academics and most folks will probably choose #2. Even if we don’t like calculus, we’re taking a test. That’s gotta be important. Yet most human learning does […]
What Will Happen to Sleep Medicine? (8/4/14)
Sleep medicine is about to change. With luck it will change how people treat and view sleep. What will disappear? The present treatment model – what I’ll call the “Sleep Apnea Testing Service Model”- after the suggestion of Dr. Michael Grandner. What will replace it? Hopefully a treatment format that addresses and improves both individual […]
Preferring Electric Shocks to Solitude (7/14/14)
Shocking Thoughts Is it uncomfortable to spend time alone with your thoughts? Is thoughtful solitude painful? For a lot of people, it is. A recent study run by University of Virginia Timothy Wilson had people spending time entirely with themselves. Alone. Many short experiments were tried. Each lasted only six to 15 minutes. Since […]
Why You Don’t Light the Night (6/16/14)
Don’t Light the Night White Nights – romance and adventure. These are times where the barriers of fatigue and tradition can be broken. We are overwhelmed by possibility and longing. If dreams can occur at night, so may their unexpected fulfillments. Yet what if white nights, filled with the light of love and literature, […]