Getting Healthy – Simply Europe’s medieval cathedrals were built without the benefit of Newton’s “modern” physics. Masons constructed holy edifices of stone without truly understanding what kept them aloft. They still stand. They still provoke amazement. And people can restore their health and regenerate their bodies without complete knowledge of how the process works. Like […]
What you eat changes your genes – quickly (12/28/11)
Food Just Got a Lot More Complicated – Which Is a Good Thing Food changes gene expression – directly. Eat a bowl of rice and you can turn off genes controlling cholesterol synthesis. Right out of the pot. You’ve been eating genetic information – probably all your life. The data come from China, from Lin […]
Can you cut your cancer risk by half? (12/12/11)
Health Versus Health Care America’s health care budget is 2.6 trillion dollars. On its own it would rank as the fifth largest economy in the world. We’re 49th in overall mortality. How much of this vast spending goes to health prevention? A pittance. Not enough people make money on preventing illness, though plenty make money […]
Your Neighbor’s Tobacco Smoke is Also Yours (and It’s Radioactive – 12/14/10)
Smoke Gets in More Than Eyes Sharing has taken on new meaning. A recent study of urban households by Harvard and University of Rochester pediatric researches shows children living in apartment buildings have far more smoke products in their blood than children in their houses. They have their neighbors to thank. The smoke comes in […]