Thinking Fast Quick decisions. Sometimes you have to think fast and well. You have no choice but to make the right choice, now. You need to become both relaxed and concentrated – fast. Many jobs require acute decision making, whether it’s air traffic control, piloting a plane, performing surgery, even calming an unhappy parent. Sometimes […]
Underestimating sleep (9/13/11)
Do You Think You Sleep Better Than You Do? Do you get enough sleep to feel rested, refreshed and regenerated each morning? Much of the answer may lie in how much sleep you think you get each night. Which is usually less than most believe. College Sleep The most recent data come from a study […]
Give me magic pills (9/12/11)
Pill Power The human body possesses fantastic regenerative power. We replace most of ourselves inside three to four weeks, updating and upgrading as we go, refashioning information into new bodies, bone and brain. But that is not why Americans go to their doctors. When people feel ill or even fearful of illness, they want relief, […]
Does lack of deep sleep up blood pressure? (9/9/11)
What About Sleep Causes High Blood Pressure? Funny things happen with media stories. Complicated science suddenly becomes simple, clear and distinct – with implications very different to what the research reveals. Such is the case with a recent article on hypertension. According to the report in BBC News, “Bad Sleep Ups Blood Pressure Risk.” What […]
Hot dogs and diabetes (9/6/11)
How Can Hot Dogs Be Bad For You? Never deny the force of genetics or fate – yet the trick to being healthy is staying healthy. Which means another American icon may soon leave your school cafeteria. Regularly eating hot dogs increases your chance of getting diabetes – by quite a lot. So does bacon, […]