Many Uses I’ve seen people “treat” themselves with alcohol for many stated reasons. They include: 1. Getting blitzed to “forget everything” (causes have includes faltering love affairs, financial crashes, dying plants, poor calculus grades and “no reason except I want to.”) 2. Fight off radiation sickness (recommended by a Russian virologist – who was still […]
How To Get Off Sleeping Pills (1/15/13)
When Pill = Sleep In America alone, tens of millions take sleeping pills to sleep each night. Yet sleeping pills don’t produce natural sleep. They worsen memory. They increase the risk of death. But people can’t stop. Physically or behaviorally addicted, they know pill = sleep. Here are some reasons why that happens – and […]
Lifestyle in a Can? The Power of Energy (1/8/13)
Powered by Energy Tired out by the holidays? Energy can be yours. Instantly. You’ll work better. Perform better. Stay bright and alert (so claims of 5 Hour Energy) Or you can achieve “Monster Energy”. In seconds, you can“Unleash Your Beast.” The newest fracas about energy drinks, a $10 billion industry and the most rapidly growing beverage […]
Dining Out For 100 Trillion (1/2/13)
An Important Six Pounds of You They don’t vote, but they sure make their voices heard. They are legion, but small. They change most aspects of your daily life. But you hardly notice them, rarely show respect, and virtually never give them deserved credit. As a minority group that lives within your extraordinarily diverse ecosystem, […]
Sugar Coating Aspirin (12/18/12)
Aspirin Resistance? Aspirin is back in the news. Recently the science of “aspirin resistance” has taken a big knock. And once again calls for “aspirin for everyone” – at least everyone middle aged – are being pushed as “the” heart disease and cancer preventive. What we really learn from these debates is what runs the […]