Do antidepressants really work to treat depression? A new, six year meta-analysis amalgamating hundreds of the best performed clinical trials has demonstrated that antidepressants are better than placebo. The study, published in the Lancet, showed modest effects, positively affecting about 60% of people treated. Drugs varied in efficacy, ranging between about one third to twice as effective as placebo. What […]
Stress, Overeating, and Sleep
Stress makes you sleepless. Insomnia makes you hungry, especially ravenous for fat and sugar. You eat more, gain weight, get more stressed. Then repeat. When expectations exceed realities stress becomes one’s constant companion. The plane flight to see your ailing mother is delayed, then cancelled. Your kid forgets his homework and you can’t leave work […]
The Most Important Learning (10/13/14)
It’s time for a very short quiz. Do you learn more – Taking a walk across an abandoned car park Or Studying for a required calculus test? Teachers, academics and most folks will probably choose #2. Even if we don’t like calculus, we’re taking a test. That’s gotta be important. Yet most human learning does […]
Regeneration Health, For You and the Environment (9/29/14)
Regeneration: Can helping myself aid the environment? Yes. At last week’s global climate summit, Chinese and American diplomats sat down and agreed. Both nations must work together to prevent further climate shifts. Demonstrators in over 2000 sites worldwide agreed. Companies and cities, churches and Communists agree. Many now argue combating global climate change can increase […]
Depression: Time for a Rethink (9/8/14)
New Ways to Treat Depression National treatment of depression is distressingly poor. It is time to rethink how we do it. Even the public agrees. Is that true because ten percent of Americans are depressed this very moment? That depression is ranked one or two worldwide for destroying work effectiveness and economic productivity? Is it […]