Asleep – and Buying Most small town bred nineteen year olds don’t become instant international superstars, so perhaps it’s unsurprising that Chris Colfer is acting silly. The star of Glee is now buying – in his sleep. Admitting the soporific truth before Ellen DeGeneres, his purchases remain instructive: a giant framed portrait of Marie Antoinette, […]
Does long sleep provoke strokes? (11/17/11)
How Much Sleep Do You Need? Rest is regeneration, where the body literally rebuilds most of itself within days. This idea is so new that people get very confused about how our regeneration works – or how much is needed. Sleep is the part of rest folks understand best, but how much sleep individuals need […]
Are smokers made or born? Biological clocks and smoking (11/16/11)
Biological Clocks and Smoking Addictions possess a high genetic component, and many varied protein and control genes affect who and who does not get hooked. Some of these genes involve our powerful biological clocks. Night people, or owls, smoke more than morning types. Owls get more addicted to cigarettes, and have a harder time getting […]
Text tonight, trouble tomorrow (11/3/10)
The Electronic Life The cyborg future is here. Last week I wrote on “Your kid’s new ‘favorite’ bed partner” – the cell phone. It now appears the era of “mobile computing” is creating mass immobility. Kids are texting like crazy at night – in bed. The Pew Memorial Trust survey I quoted had 82% of […]
I’ve got rhythm – to sleep (11/1/10)
Getting in the Rhythm Wayne Rooney is one of the more internationally famous people most Americans never heard of. England’s National Team striker is famous for many things beyond his magic foot, his recently wrangled secret five year contract with Man United, his giant house and supposed visits to a prostitute while his wife was […]