Food-Drugs and Health Many foods are also drugs, and have been effectively used for thousands of years. Green tea is one. Green tea has been credited with lowering stroke, osteoporosis, and cognitive failure risks. A new Japanese longitudinal study of green tea showed decreased disability from use of green tea – with a clear dose […]
Halving Heart Attack Deaths (2/10/12)
Cutting Out Deaths from Heart Attacks In the last eight years , from 2002 to 2010, Britain has more than halved its heart attack death rate. According to recent data published in the British Medical Journal, over half the decrease occurred in the number of attacks. The rest of the improvement was due to increased […]
Regenerating your body and preventing Alzheimer’s Disease (2/6/12)
A New Breakthrough in Alzheimer’s A new breakthrough has been announced in Alzheimer’s research. Two groups, one at Columbia, the other at Harvard, have reported in mouse models that Alzheimer’s spreads from nerve cell to nerve cell via the projection of a misfolded tau proteins. Will this new information save us from the huge costs […]
Why does exercise work? (2/01/12)
Making Regeneration More Efficient People are exhorted every day – exercise, exercise, exercise. Many patients I see are annoyed. Why should I bother? they ask. How much difference can it make? Next they’re told it will increase their lifespan; lower their blood pressure; decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke; lower the risk of […]
Do dolphins sing like whales as they sleep? (1/30/12)
Interspecies Recording? Many secrets arrive with the night. Recently researchers at Universite de Rennes 1 in France decided to hook up microphones to listen to dolphins. No one seemed to know what sounds they made – especially in sleep. The dolphins made a lot of noise. However, 1% of their vocalizations sounded nothing like their […]