Part I – Changing the Rebuild As most of our bodies are replaced in a matter of days to weeks, what we do is what we become. How we live changes not just our gene expression but how we, look, think, and move; It also resets how we rebuild and renew ourselves – critical to […]
How you can take time off and get more done (11/24/10)
New Ways to Increase Productivity Take breaks and get more done – is that possible? More than possible, if you know how the body renews and regenerates itself. In yesterday’s New York Times, Jane Brody profiled Professor Tori Yancey of UCLA. Yancey wants Americans to move, and knows well they don’t like to. Her answer […]
Don’t stuff the wrong turkey (11/22/10)
Have Real Fun This Holiday – Before and After This Thanksgiving you’ll follow sensible advice – don’t eat too much, don’t drink too much? Sure you will. Here’s another idea. Follow the way your body is built and you can minimize the damage and maximize the fun. It’s not strange you might want to […]
Are you restless? Sleep Loss, Irritability, the Internet and Violence
Another Reason to be Uneasy Many people today facing economic, political and economic uncertainty are restless – uneasy, unquiet of mind, internally agitated. Sadly much of the population is literally not resting – experiencing insufficient restoration and recovery to rebuild their bodies and minds in healthy ways. And that makes us more irritable, and potentially […]
Does long sleep provoke strokes? (11/17/11)
How Much Sleep Do You Need? Rest is regeneration, where the body literally rebuilds most of itself within days. This idea is so new that people get very confused about how our regeneration works – or how much is needed. Sleep is the part of rest folks understand best, but how much sleep individuals need […]