Preventing Tumors British researchers now argue that over 40% of tumors are preventable through lifestyle change. The biggest factors are: tobacco, diet, physical activity, and environment (sunlight and pollution.) People greatly fear cancer. But does knowing what causes cancer prevent people from doing what’s dangerous? No. Why not? Because some of the most powerful global […]
The Hat — Cancer Connection
Fashion and Health Go outside. Take a look around a city square, a park, a beach. You will see almost no one is wearing a hat. They’re so rare you might think they caused diseases – like skin cancers. Except they prevent them. According to the CDC, skin cancers are the most common cancers in […]
Drug of Choice (8/13/14)
An Old Miracle? Simple stuff does work. One of the cheapest drugs in the world is perhaps the most single effective agent in helping populations stay alive. The way it works this magic is now recognized as completely different from past theories. The drug is aspirin. Cardiovascular Risk For decades people throughout the world […]
Using Big Data Effectively (7/28/14)
Supporting Serendipity Has nothing important happened in psychiatric research in the last 25 years? Some believe so. Here’s a quote from the science writers Carl Zimmer and Benedict Carey in the July 22, 2014 New York Times “Despite decades of costly research, experts have learned virtually nothing about the causes of psychiatric disorders and have […]
Why You Don’t Light the Night (6/16/14)
Don’t Light the Night White Nights – romance and adventure. These are times where the barriers of fatigue and tradition can be broken. We are overwhelmed by possibility and longing. If dreams can occur at night, so may their unexpected fulfillments. Yet what if white nights, filled with the light of love and literature, […]