Body Clocks and Food The world is filled with very different kinds of folks – and I’m not referring to politics. There are night people and day people, owls and larks. Researchers have been trying for decades to determine what else is different about them, from their DNA to their diets. Now there’s new data demonstrating […]
The Top Three Percent? How We’re Not Getting Healthy
Are Americans Healthy? We hear that Americans are doing better – at least in terms of health. Childhood obesity is not increasing. Adults and children are living longer. But what about the future? A recent study out of Mayo Clinic Proceedings is more disturbing. It looked at ten year old data (it takes a while to research […]
Diets: What Don’t We Know
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has just come out with its latest dietary guidelines. Most of us won’t read them. Many of us should. Media attention immediately went to the cholesterol recommendations. No surprise there. That’s where “the money is,” in terms of drugs and the food industry. A few things which skipped attention you might consider […]
Can Bacteria Make You Fat? (3/1/15)
Bug-Brain-Waistline Forget the screaming headlines and the infomercials – dieting, weight gain and weight loss are not simple matters. Did the faecal transplant received from a daughter make a Rhode Island woman ravenous, rapidly fattening despite liquid diets, exercise and strict medical supervision? Are the supplements sold everywhere as probiotics the answer to irritable bowel […]
Can We Regulate Food Like Tobacco? (7/7/14)
Obesity and Health Many groups, like the Consumers International and the World Obesity Federation, argue food should be regulated as strictly as tobacco. Their claim (BBC News, May 18th) is that deaths from obesity are rising rapidly – about 30% globally from 2005-2010 – and that obesity promotes so many chronic diseases – from diabetes […]