The Pleasures of a Calm Mind The bard wrote “music hath charms to soothe the savage beast.” Apparently that also includes people. Britain’s Travelodge is one of the few hotel companies that publicizes the sleep quality(ies) of its clients. Due to this hotelier we know that when the financial meltdown hit Europe, their average sleeper […]
Your kid’s new favorite bed partner (10/28/10)
Who is she sleeping with now? According to the recent Pew Memorial Trust Survey, 82% of 12-17 year olds sleep with or next to their cell phones. That has many implications for health, transport, the economy and the way we will live (and love) in the future: Results: Biological 1. More texts, less sleep, less […]
Position Matters – The Right Side is Not Always Right (And not just in sleep -10/26/10)
And Your Position Is… So where do you sleep? On your back, on your right or left side? Flat on your stomach? Chances are good you do all three, even if you don’t know it. People move like crazy in sleep, especially in “phase transitions” where they go from light sleep into REM sleep. One […]
Leaving rehab – what to do when you’re out (10/21/10)
(Lindsay Lohan walked into Rehab reading my book “The Power of Rest,” and is scheduled to leave Rehab on October 22nd. This note is for her and others leaving inpatient addiction treatment.) Leaving Rehab – What to Do When You’re Out Once you leave the tough times start. You’re exiting the cocoon, the tight environment […]
Pain, fibromyalgia, illness and rest (10/20/10)
Pain and Sleep Pain wakes people up. In several international studies pain is the leading cause of sleep and rest loss, particularly in developing countries. Some causes of pain, however, are much more prone to cause different kinds of sleep disorders. Fibromyalgia is one of those. Fibromyalgia and Other Systemic Illnesses Fibromyalgia is poorly understood […]