Too Many Are Depressed Depression is one version of hell on earth, and Americans have a lot of it. A recent international study run by Evelyn Bromet of 18 countries found America near the top, with 19.2 percent of the population having experienced depression — only France, at 21 percent, ranked higher. With our tottering health […]
Fat Future
Will today’s millenials become the fattest generation in American history? If what is happening to British youngsters is a guide, future American adults may suffer from unprecedented levels of cancer and diabetes. Cancer Research UK recently released a study showing Britons born between 1980 and 1995 will by middle age be 70% overweight or obese. And that’s […]
Time to Go With the Dogs
Dogs Can Help You Live – and Live Longer Can living with a dog improve your life? It certainly appears canine companionship might extend it. The results come from a Swedish study at Uppsala University which used the longstanding public health advantages of that country. All the Swedish population between the ages of 40-80 were surveyed. Out of those […]
How to Kill People Twice (Walking in America)
How does America protect public health? A clear example can be seen in national pedestrian deaths, up twenty percent from 2009 to 2014. Presently five thousand walkers a year are mowed down by motor vehicles, with tens of thousands seriously injured, and hundreds of thousands maimed. In a recent study by Smart Growth America, a […]
Does Health Insurance Insure You?
Why is using American health insurance such a farce? We can begin with the preposterous process of personally procuring it. As the end of 2015 appeared, I received missives in the mail from Assurant Health, my health insurer, that I would be delisted at the end of the year. I had used them for only over […]